Νεκρή στα 33 της παίκτρια του αμερικανικού Voice

Σοκ από τον ξαφνικό θάνατό της.

Photo: instagram

Σοκ και θλίψη προκάλεσε η είδηση του θανάτου της νεαρής παίκτριας του αμερικανικού ”The Voice”.


Η Janice Freeman, ήταν μόλις 33 ετών. Σύμφωνα με το ΤΜΖ, βρισκόταν στο σπίτι της με τον σύζυγό της, όταν άρχισε να παραπονιέται ότι δεν μπορεί να αναπνεύσει.

Ο σύζυγός της κάλεσε ασθενοφόρο, ενώ παράλληλα προσπαθούσε ο ίδιος να της δώσει τις πρώτες βοήθειες. Όπως αναφέρει και post στο instagram της, η Janice είχε θρόμβους στο αίμα της, οι οποίοι στη συνέχεια μεταφέρθηκαν στην καρδιά.

Αξίζει να σημειωθεί, πως η Freeman είχε κερδίσει στο παρελθόν και την μάχη με τον καρκίνο.

Η παίκτρια άνηκε στην ομάδα της Miley Cyrus, η οποία δημοσίευσε διάφορες στιγμές μαζί της μέσα από το παιχνίδι.

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I miss you so much it hurts. Everywhere ….. but so did you. So often. So much pain and no one would ever notice because of the smile and joy you constantly radiated . I am trying my best today to celebrate your existence but I can’t help but just deeply mourn over your absence . All those texts I would receive , just of you saying that your praying for ME. How you were so selfless I’ll never understand . The way you found the good in everything . You are now a rainbow . Something beautiful that comes after something so gloomy. You were the only artist EVER, that I tried so hard to “ sign” , was going to create a label just so YOU could be on it. No one has heard them and I hope to share at an appropriate time, but the records you were creating with @brandicarlile (where it all began , the story ) and my dear writer friend @ilsey were so magically beautiful JUST LIKE YOU. Today we lost a legend . Do you hear me . Everyone got it so wrong on our season together of The Voice because no matter what has been recorded or remembered YOU won my angel . You are not only the best singer that show has ever had the honor of having on that stage but the best fucking singer in the world. What makes me sick is we always wait till the best are gone to recognize them and truly tell them what their art meant to us. The hope their voice gave us …. the emotions they pulled from us. Janice you’re my star! I will never give up on you. Ever . I am no longer your coach , I never was ….. YOU constantly taught me. You’ve been my coach on how to love , on how to persevere , on how to fight for what I want and never let even my own body get in the way. Anything is possible if it’s being done with faith. You are my world . I will never forget you or stop loving you. I am forever yours , Miley

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